Read all way to the bottom..... Calendar No. 267 114th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 1203 [Report No. 114–153] To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the processing by the Department of Veterans Affairs of claims for benefits under laws administered by the...
Grow your business
NGAUS Legislative Alert #14-14 Establish a federal tiered-hiring preference for members of the reserve component of the Armed Forces.
Take Action | National Guard Association of the United States.
Congress has little time to finalize VA, defense bills | Army Times |
Congress has little time to finalize VA, defense bills | Army Times |
The National Guard District Council of LIUNA
Wear of Military Uniform Does Not Equal Pay or Duty Status for National Guard Dual Status Technicians
Ensure that the A-10 stays in the Air Force and Air National Guard combat fleets until proven close air support capability can replace it.
Ensure that the A-10 stays in the Air Force and Air National Guard combat fleets until proven close air support capability can replace it..
FY15 NDAA Update
Last week the House of Representatives voted on amendments and final passage of H.R. 4435, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY2015. Within the amendments passed by the House were two key policy initiatives the Enlisted Association of the National...
Support H.R. 4682, the Veterans TRICARE Choice Act
Immediate Action Required: Ask your representative to support H.R. 4682, the Veterans TRICARE Choice Act, that gives TRICARE-eligible veterans the ability to contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA) Program More Information: Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, and Rep....
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